Please Assist our Ministry
Partnership in Giving We ask you to prayerfully consider including Choose Life International:a) as a beneficiary of your ongoing generosity and/or b) become a Valued CLI Partner by giving a monthly or annual contribution to assist us to better help people to live more fulfilled lives.
We appreciate any amount that you are able to donate. Please click the button above. You will be taken to a Paypal portal where you will be able to enter credit card information.
Please be aware that this is totally secure as we rely on Paypal for consistently updating security protocol in order to protect both you and us.
You may also do direct banking as follows:
Jamaica National Commercial Bank (NCB)Matilda’s Corner Branch
Account name: Choose Life International
Current Account: 371-047-131
Outside Jamaica and Wish to Give Persons wishing to send Wire Transfer of funds to our Choose Life International Account in Jamaica:
NCB’s Swift Code – JNCBJMKX
Name of Account – Choose Life International
Account Number – 374-169-017 Name of the bank – Matilda’s Corner NCB
Address of the bank – 15 Northside Drive, Northside Plaza, Kingston 6
May Godly Richly Bless you and multiply your seed.
Thank You.